Snapshot Stories: Christian Gaytan
Todd Ford • May 16, 2022

I've written the beginning of this article several times.

The first draft was rough, ironic, I know. The following revisions took on too much sarcasm and, we'll say, bluntness. The last thing I want to do is turn people off and miss a chance to help. 

I need to point out some missed opportunities and mistakes I see the industry making. Especially new pros. But I'm attempting to hold back some of my typical directness because I think it'll resonate better. Not my general style, but let's give it a shot.

A few years ago, I was scrolling through Instagram and noticed a pattern. Every post was the same. Like 99% of them, no exaggeration. Every post was the back of a head with an arbitrary caption.  

*back of the head* 
"orange soda"

*back of the head*
"caramel latte"

Fast forward to today as we head into Spring 2022 (winter by the time I get this thing freaking published). Most of what you'll find from the hair world hasn't changed. The same lackluster pattern.

"Should I caption this french fry balayage or burnt pancake?!" while flashing a phone in a colleague's face.  

What?! Here comes the candor. I tried.

Did you really just spend hours of your time carefully crafting a beautiful piece of work that you're now trying to sum up with 1 or 2 random words? Hold that thought.

If you're attempting to use social media for marketing yourself and gaining clients, there should be some intent and focus.

Think about these things:
What do you want to happen? 
What problem are you solving for your audience? 
Who even is your audience?
What do you want them to do next?  

Writing "grape soda" and posting the back of someone's head doesn't do it, peeps; it just doesn't.

I've digressed.

This is the story of Christian Gaytan's Instagram page and the inspiration that I found in it. I do want to be clear that this is only a snapshot.

Christian has a family, was a musician before jumping into the hair industry in 2004, and rocks a minivan. And even though I learned that from his IG page, there's much more to someone than social media. 

I point that out to be respectful. I point it out because, unfortunately, many people look at social media as the whole story, and it's so incomplete by nature.

I'm writing this to help. Steal what you wish, borrow if it makes you feel better, whatever helps you. I hope you find inspiration and maybe even gain some insight on a different way to show your work to the world. 

Anyway, here's a story about a chill guy from Chicago, his IG page, and the conversation that followed.

I first learned about Christian Awesome from my wife and business partner, Jen. She had taken one of his classes in Florida and said I should check out his IG page. 

I did. Here's what I found.

You're hit with thought-out, clear images as you scroll. Christian uses bokeh, which is when the background is blurred, to accentuate his subject. He also uses simple, clean backgrounds in his photos, making it immediately clear what he wants you to see. It's thought-provoking and engaging.

I enjoy most that you see a person's eyes in almost all of his photos. Seeing their eyes completes the story. His work provides a sense of attitude and confidence, and it's clear. It's right there on his client's faces.

You discover subtle details about his approach by checking out his captions. They range from fun and playful to informing and educational. Even his shortest captions connect you to his work and make sense. There's not much arbitrary wording. Instead, you get a showcase of art with some instruction. 

In one caption, he writes, "I hid a lil message in the top right corner for ya" when you zoom in, the words "Quit lurking and book a haircut" appear. This hints at his sense of humor which is refreshing because I think the hair industry takes itself too seriously.

I had to chat with him. We'll meet in June (I think June) when he'll be at Hello Hair Co for a class, but I wasn't waiting. I shot him a DM and asked if it would be OK to send some questions with the intent of putting together an article. He thought it was cool and was happy to help.  

As of now, I have not read his responses to my questions, I have them, but I thought I'd try a new approach. I wanted to tell the story about my reaction to his page first. I'm not sure what I'm hoping will happen. Maybe something cool, maybe not. I want to meet cool people, talk to them, and tell a snapshot story about part of their lives. So, that's what this is; The first snapshot story.

We should get to those questions. They're based on my own curiosity and what I believe would help others. I wanted to capture some behind-the-scenes thoughts to help you organize and get your work out there.

OK, I've read his answers. Let's get into it!

I understand the feat of running social media accounts and the process of editing and curating the pieces to tell your story. So, my first question was: Do you run your page on your own, or do you have help running it?  

Christian answered, "I run my own page. As much as I would love to outsource aspects of it, I don't think creatively I could do it now." 

I couldn't agree more. It would be nice to have someone run ours, but I think our vision would become diluted, and I'm not ready for that.

Because the vibe was so inspiring to me, I asked: How did you come up with the vibe/aesthetic?  

"I took a little inspiration from everywhere, really. I tried to model it after the bits and pieces that grab my attention anytime I'm scrolling through hair stuff. Over time it just kinda became what it is now. I want people to see my stuff and think, "oh hey, he's pretty good, and the people look like they're having a rad time…oh shit, he teaches too?!" It's still changing, though. I think it's good to keep things changing and moving forward."

I like that he's taken the time to define what he wants us to take away from the page. I'm not sure many people are doing that in our industry. We should know our audience and create for them, but that's another article. It's OK to change things over time. As we learn and grow, it's almost unfair to ourselves to keep doing the same stuff.

I know you can work from a phone, and I still use mine for stuff. I also know that gear is where it's at when you become even slightly interested in taking things to the next level.

My next question was: What gear do you use? Camera, lighting, editing, etc.

"I shoot with a Fujifilm xs10 and a 35mm lens mostly. It's got great mid-range video specs since Insta and TikTok are heavy video platforms. Ideally, I like natural light, but on occasion, I'll use a few softboxes, reflectors, and backdrops I have set up. Editing I keep really minimal. Smoothing skin and sharpening facial features like the eyes. I use Picsart for that, and for video, I exclusively use InShot."

Do you need to run out and spend thousands on a camera? Probably not, but if you're into it, it'll help. I'd focus less on the specifics and more on what you want to accomplish. Christian made choices based on the platforms he was creating for. I recommend doing the same. You do not need to become a photographer, but thinking like one will elevate your game.

The main reason I dig your page is that you can see your client's faces and smiles. You can tell they're happy. I think that's drastically underrated and a huge opportunity that our industry is missing the mark on. Could you talk a bit about that? 

"First off, thank you! That's exactly the vibe I go for. I figure if I was shopping around for a hairdresser, I'd want to see people loving their hair and having a good time. I think some clients might like the technical aspects of it, but most just want to love their hair and be in good company. So I try to capture that."

For me, it completes the story. The haircut and color are subjective. I want to know if your client is happy. That is the only thing that matters. A trendy cut is dope until your client doesn't like it. Then it doesn't work. It's less about what we think and more about the client. Just something to keep in mind when you're creating.

I've recently become a super fan of pre-planning content. It was born of necessity. If you're not pre-planning, start. You'll be able to accomplish much more in less time.

How much thought and pre-planning goes into your content? Could you talk a bit about what that looks like?

"I loosely pre-plan all my static images at the start of each month. I've got years' worth of stuff I can use, so I schedule enough for each working day. I take off weekends from posting anything to be with family and just to take a mental break. The reels, I'll admit I'm last minute on. I usually make one today to throw up tomorrow. Still trying to find my groove in editing those as quickly as I can images. Eventually, I'd like to have those pre-edited at the start of the month as well."

Something that pops to me is there's a catalog to work from. That's magic. Don't get stuck trying to create a post daily. Instead, capture everything. Document. That'll put you ahead, and ahead is where you want to play from. Find a workflow that you're comfortable with and give it a fair shot. Also, spending more time in the real world with your family is a thing. Do that.

I hear and see a lot of people who say they're trying to gain clients through their IG page, but then they're posting content directed toward other stylists. For example, they post formulas and tips and tricks for doing hair. Nothing wrong with that, but it is two wildly different audiences. Who are you speaking to with your page? And what are you trying to accomplish with it?

"This is a tricky one as I'm trying to find a way to balance both myself. I would say I'm mainly speaking to new and existing clients as the work I do behind the chair makes up the majority of my income. But I teach as well, quite a bit, actually. So I'm always trying to figure out how to work that into my strategy. I'm trying to accomplish growing a clientele at a price point that would allow me more flexibility in my schedule. I've spent the last two years trying to work out what the next steps in my career are, but between working behind the chair and education, I don't have much free time to flesh that out, ya know?"

Agreed, it's certainly a balancing act. The important part is that there's thought behind everything.

Do you take photos/videos of regular clients, or are they, models?

"95% are regular clients, with the one-off being a demo model from a class I'm teaching. I would love to get to a point where I dedicate a day or two a month to do creative work on models just cause I feel like it, haha."

I asked this question because it comes up a lot. I've seen all sorts of opinions, but few offer value. I read something from an Insta-famous barber claiming, "I don't take pictures of paying clients because that's not why they're there." Look, you have to do what's best for you. People love to feel included, so I don't think taking photos of clients is wrong. If someone doesn't want their picture taken, they'll tell you.

Do you offer them anything in return? For example, we give a model discount with the understanding that we're working slowly, sometimes in an education setting, and we'll be taking content.

"lol, this is exactly what I want to implement. Just haven't found the right opportunity to put it into practice."

Do you somehow make it an experience people want to be part of?

"Absolutely. I've made it through trial and error, a part of my haircut experience. If the process is messy and people aren't into it, you'll be able to read that in the video and images. So the entire service is me building up to that photo/video session. I want them to look and feel authentically hyped about their new hair."

It's pretty clear that they're hyped, so it's working.

What advice would you give stylists/barbers to help them show off their work?

"Learn some basic photography principles even if you plan on shooting with your phone. Everything I've learned has been a combo of trial and error, asking clients who are professional photographers for advice, and watching hours of free education on YouTube. That and stop marketing to each other. I think we got to a place where we've created this feedback loop of content and information directed at ourselves. We think if we get that repost or share, it's somehow going to lead to some payoff, and for a few, it might. But for most, it's a lot of effort to put into something that won't put more people in your chair. Speak to the people you want there first."

That's what I've been sharing with people too. If your goal is putting people in your chair, you have to share content that accomplishes that. 

Where do you see things like Instagram going in the future, and any trend predictions? 

"I saw they just launched some features for creators recently. Subscriptions for exclusive content and stuff like that. Could be interesting to see where that goes. But ultimately, I think it'll age itself out. Like it'll never go away, but people will use it as a platform to reach a certain demo like Facebook. TikTok will be where everyone goes until something new comes around, and the cycle repeats."

That's the thought I have, too. I think people will push these apps as far as they can and then bounce as new platforms are released. There's a ton of value in early adoption.

We want to know what's next for Christian! Where can people find you? What are you up to next? Anything you want to shout out or pump up?

"I'm on Instagram mostly @christianawesome. I'm slowly dripping bits on TikTok, too @christian.awesome. This year I'm teaching loads of classes. Private, public, and one on ones. The goal is to build up enough momentum to launch streamable haircutting education. Currently working on the curriculum for that at the moment. And then next, who knows, haha."

Exciting stuff that I can't wait to watch come together.

Remember that thought I told you to hold? What do you think now?

This was a fun piece that wouldn't have happened without Christian and his awesome IG page. So, thanks to him for the inspiration. 

Special shout out to my wife, Jen, who constantly encourages me to try out my ideas and explore.

I hope you enjoyed the story and were able to take something for yourself. Keep creating and pushing yourself. For me, it's onto the next snapshot story. Who should I hit up next?
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Expanding Your Business: Risks and Rewards Expanding your business can be tempting for many salon owners. But is it the right choice? We're big on using BOTH sides of our minds, the creative side AND the logical side, for this exact reason. It's tempting to expand based on emotion and assume everything will be ok. Although, taking a look at numbers, logistics, and reality tell a different story. One thing is for sure; you must have a solid foundation, including systems in place, before expansion. Otherwise, you could be in for some serious overwhelm and frustration. This blog post will cover critical topics to consider when expanding your business, including franchising, multiple locations, and expanding your current location. We've owned and operated businesses in a ton of different industries for an accumulated 25 years or so, with ties to the beauty industry for over 23. Enough about us; let's dive in! Franchising: A Unique Expansion Option Franchising is a business model in which someone pays a royalty to use your business name, model, systems, etc. While rare in the hair industry , it's still an option to consider if you want to expand. The key to franchising is having well-established systems and processes in place and a strong brand that somebody can easily replicate. Admittedly, I'm not well-versed in franchising. If you're interested in exploring the option further, seek out someone capable of helping you. Multiple Locations: A Popular Expansion Choice One of the most common ways to expand your salon business is by opening another location. Multiple locations can help you reach a wider audience and increase your revenue, but it also comes with challenges. For example, you'll need to hire, train, and manage additional staff, increase your marketing and advertising efforts, and manage the finances of multiple locations. At this level, a management layer that's strong enough to run things in your absence isn't an option but a necessity. These people must be well-versed in and buy into your company's mission, vision, and core values. Expanding Your Current Location: A Lower-Risk Option Another option for expanding your business is to grow within your current location. This option might mean knocking down a wall, taking over another unit, or increasing your existing space's size in another creative way. Expanding your current space can be a lower-risk option than opening multiple locations, but it still requires careful planning and execution to ensure success. We strongly encourage the optimization of your current setup before expanding. One example is rearranging your salon layout to create space for additional stations, etc. Overcoming the Challenges of Expansion Expanding your business is not without its challenges, including: Perfecting your systems Hiring, training, and managing staff Increasing revenue to cover increased costs Marketing and advertising Financial management Increased risk It's crucial to keep in mind that bigger is only sometimes better. In most cases, expanding too quickly can lead to out-of-control increased costs, decreased revenue, and a lack of focus on your core business. Carefully and thoroughly work through a strategy and create a plan you can double and triple-check before making any moves. The Importance of Customer Service I've noticed a shift in the industry, or at least what's reflected on social media, that puts hair pros before the clients. That mindset is a massive mistake, puts businesses at risk, and is reckless. While I agree it's vital to have boundaries and take care of yourself, this is a service industry. Based on what I'm seeing, I assume the mindset stems from ego. I've worked for restaurants, gyms, delivery companies, etc., and when you put being of service at the top of your priority list, magic happens. Building solid relationships with your customers is vital to retaining their business, and providing excellent customer service is the foundation of this relationship. Some tips for delivering top-notch customer service include: Building and nurturing relationships Dealing with difficult or demanding customers effectively Communicating clearly and effectively Following up with customers to ensure their satisfaction Measuring and tracking customer service metrics In closing, expanding your business can be a rewarding experience, but it requires careful planning and consideration. Make sure you have a solid foundation, consider your challenges, and prioritize customer service to ensure your business is booming. Reach out to have a conversation and find out how we can help your salon business!
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In episode 71 of the Hello Hair Pro podcast, we talk about common misconceptions about running a business. Then we dive into the value of perseverance before rounding out the episode with some tips for success. Jen has been doing hair for over twenty-three years and has accumulated some serious insight behind the scenes. She's worked as an employee, rented a chair, and then spent the last thirteen years building two salons. I (Todd) have run and managed businesses, including a trucking company and several restaurants, before opening my own micro gym business, which I operated for ten years before joining Jen and building Hello Hair Co. We've seen a lot and want to help others avoid and work through some of the mistakes we've encountered throughout the years. Let's jump in! Common misconceptions The overnight success One of the biggest misconceptions about business is the idea of overnight success. When you first launch your salon or other business, getting caught up in the excitement and falling into the trap of thinking that success is just around the corner is easy. Unfortunately, the reality is that most businesses don't make it past year one. The ones that do make it learn that it takes time and hard work to build a successful salon business. Get rich quick Another misconception is the idea of "get rich quick." Starting a business is not a quick way to make money. It takes time, effort, and dedication to build a profitable business. You should maintain realistic expectations about the time and money it will take to get your business up and running. It's low risk Owning a business being low risk is another misconception. Starting a business is a high-risk venture, and it's important to understand that there are no guarantees. You need to be prepared for the possibility of failure and have a plan in place in case things don't go as expected. There's no need for business education and experience Another misconception is that you don't need any education or experience to start a business. While it's true that you don't need a formal education to start a business, it's essential to have the knowledge, experience, and an understanding of how companies operate. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions and increase your chances of success. Too often, we see people dive in head first with little to no planning, only to be stopped hard in their tracks. Everyone can be an entrepreneur Not everyone can be a successful entrepreneur. Starting a business is not for everyone and requires specific skills and characteristics. It's important to be honest with yourself about whether or not you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. If you don't naturally possess the qualities needed, you'll have to take the time to develop them. Perseverance The importance of perseverance It's important to understand that there are no guarantees of success. Most people will close their businesses within their first year of operation. Perseverance is crucial for any entrepreneur hoping to avoid adding to failure rate statistics. Overcoming obstacles There will be many obstacles along the way. Some of those obstacles you'll expect, but many will come as a surprise and throw you off your game. You'll want a strong sense of perseverance to overcome these obstructions and keep pushing forward. Without perseverance, it's easy to give up when things get tough, which can be the difference between success and failure. Long term vision Perseverance also allows you to adopt a long-term mindset. Business is not a short-term venture; it takes time and effort to build a successful business. A long-term mindset lets you see the bigger picture and focus on the end goal rather than getting caught up in short-term setbacks. Resilience Perseverance also helps you to become more resilient. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from failure and keep moving forward. It's important to understand that failure is a part of the process and is not the end of the road. Perseverance allows you to learn from your failures and use that knowledge to make better decisions in the future. Adapting to change Perseverance also helps you to adapt to change. The business landscape is constantly changing, and it's crucial to pivot and adapt to new circumstances. Perseverance allows you to stay focused on your goals, even when the path to success is unclear. You must be flexible and open to new ideas and changes. Without perseverance, it's easy to give up when things get tough. Keep pushing forward, and don't give up on your dreams. Tips for becoming successful As a hair professional, you know that success in the industry takes more than just a passion for hair. This is especially true regarding opening and running a salon business. Here are some thoughts for success as a hair professional: Develop a strong business plan Firstly, you must develop a strong business plan. This means defining your target market, services, and pricing and setting clear goals and strategies for achieving success. A strong business plan can help you stay focused and on track as you grow your business. Your business plan guides your decision-making and how you steer the company. Networking Networking is also an essential aspect of success in the hair industry. Building relationships with other hair professionals, salon owners, and industry influencers can open doors to new opportunities and provide valuable advice and support. There's nothing wrong with starting the conversation on social media, but creating relationships in the real world trumps all. Seek out mentorship Seeking out mentorship can also be a valuable asset on your journey to success. A mentor can guide, advise, and support you as you navigate the challenges of starting and growing your business. Friends, family, and colleagues are ok, but the overwhelming majority of successful business owners will pay for mentorship because they understand the value and the return on investment. Continuously learn Like the technical aspects of doing hair, continuously educating yourself is also a key component of success in the business world. Stay informed about the latest trends, tools, and developments in business to stay competitive. Flexibility and adaptiveness Being flexible and adaptive is crucial. The salon industry is constantly evolving, and it's important to pivot and adapt to new circumstances. Your success is independent of others It's paramount to recognize that your success is independent of others. Refrain from comparing yourself to other owners, focus on your goals, and stay true to your vision. The success of the salon across the street will not impact your ability to succeed. Closing thoughts In conclusion, success in the hair industry takes more than just a passion for hair; it takes a well-rounded approach. Develop a strong business plan, network, seek out mentorship, continuously learn, be flexible and adaptive, stay organized, and recognize that your success is independent of others. With the right mindset, perseverance, and action, you can achieve success as a salon owner. Book a call to learn more about how we can help guide you along your journey of salon ownership!
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